Campaign lawn signs go up today so @RahRahRaina made some for you #topoli
— INDIE88 (@Indie88Toronto) October 2, 2014
"Sign season will certainly elevate the content of our mayoral race," said no person. #TOPoli
— Alek (@alekt) October 2, 2014
Download, Print, Post

10 ½ x 6 ¼ inches | 27 cm x 16 cm

10 ½ x 8 inches | 27 cm x 20 ¼ cm
… If this thing was going to be determined by the number of signs … next Ward 19 councilor would be named ReMax
“Pantalone hasn’t even found it necessary to fight his fellow candidates — therefore, throughout his half of Trinity-Spadina, it’s hard to even tell there’s an election campaign going on.
“If this thing was going to be determined by the number of signs,” smirks Syed, “then the next Ward 19 councilor would be named ReMax.”
Marc Weisblott | Blogger
The Globe and Mail (11/10/2006)
… He has PDF files you can download if you want to make your own flyers to advertise for him
“The night ended with Shima and I meeting the infamous Himy Syed. He makes some very cool outdoor art projects. It’s strange meeting someone that you met online through your weblog…

“… Himy Syed is putting all his energy into running for deputy mayor, and councilor for Ward 19. And does the man have some energy.
“Shima and I chatted with him for a good while; he told us about all the things he wants to do in the city. He’s a very creative and unconventional politician to be. I’m really hoping he wins the ward. It’d be nice to have some different voices in office. (If you live in Ward 19, vote for him. I’m not kidding.)
“It’s interesting to see how contenders find ways to challenge the incumbents. Himy has no where near the funds of the incumbant Joe Pantalone. He argues there isn’t much point trying to campaign the same way as Pantalone, because its a game he can’t win.
“Instead Himy’s campaign has been very grass roots. He goes to events like this, meets people, and encourages them to talk about him.
“His website is slowly being filled to the brim with information. He has PDF files you can download if you want to make your own flyers to advertise for him. (You print them out at 8 by 10, and they can be arranged in various ways to make bigger posters.)
“His buttons are all made out of older buttons. (I think Shima’s friend Tiff would love how he is so mindful of waste and the environment.)
“It will be interesting to see if this approach works; I think it could in a ward like Ward 19. It certainly will be a tough race, as I understand Pantalone is well liked.
Ramanan Sivaranjan | Blogger
A Funkaoshi Production (10/20/2006)
“We Sent Enough Cowboys to #Toronto City Hall, Now It’s Time for an Indian” | #voteTO #TOpoli — HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) September 11, 2014
Where can I get a campaign lawn sign that just says Folks? #TOpoli
— Norman Wilson (@oclsc) October 1, 2014
RT @oclsc Where can I get a campaign lawn sign that just says Folks? #TOpoli | |
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 2, 2014
Campaign sign day! Ours is up, @DavidSoknacki , @Oksana_dok #TOpoli
— John Leeson (@libyatoronto) October 2, 2014
IF #voteTO is going to be won by the number of Signs put up… #Toronto's Next Mayor might be named… Re/Max | #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 2, 2014
@HiMYSYeD @Indie88Toronto @RahRahRaina #artDOG #poster #dogselfie #parks @NoSlogans
— Toronto Peace Puppy (@TorontoPeacePup) October 2, 2014
RT @MiroslavGlavic havent seen #voteTO sign in Scarborough from Tory, Goldkind, Baskin #TOPoli | YOU can Fix That NOW
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 5, 2014
Pulled this off of Martingrove and Dixon on our way back from the office. Aunty has told me there are more.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@ArcaneEvilMind_ thank you my dear. This doesn't deter our team in the least.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@Darkeaux always. Love over hate always. <3
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@megpoppy agreed. It's such ignorance.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@sunkissedwun couldn't agree more my dear. Doesn't deter me from fighting for positive change! ❤️
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@fireysky of course. It burns a fire in my veins. Won't stop me from bringing genuine and positive change.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@nparapluie thank you sister! I won't let this stop me ever!
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@mishacapler it was painful to say the least. However it makes me angry and hungry for change in #ward2. The support has been overwhelming.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@KifLost thank you brother! Glad we can come together against hate.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@RiazSayaniMulji thank you. So overwhelmed by the support.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@HibaqG thank you. It's honestly frustrating but we need to overcome this xenophobia and hate. Love is always better.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@tweetlee_dee damn right. Hope is stronger than fear. #changeTO
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@MKDfromTO @ivortossell yes I am home! Thank you for your kind words.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@ShukriTheCool exactly. Love and hard work are stronger than hate.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@amirightfolks thank you my dear. This doesn't deter me in the least. I don't give hate the life to breathe. This city is my home. ❤️
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@clarencebourque @amirightfolks solidarity always.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@votetimgrant @ivortossell yes. Home is here and where the heart is. I appreciate all the love and solidarity. #oneloveTO
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@TalenaJackMarti it's sad. Doesn't change my vision and drive for real change in my home city. #oneloveTO
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@mdgee thank you sister. We will fight this ignorance together. #oneloveTO
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@Susan_Munn thank you. I'm glad this city is standing up together! #oneloveTO
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@MuniraAbukar Hey, I'm a reporter with the Sun. Can I speak to you about this? 416-725-0367.
— Jenny Yuen (@SunReporterYuen) October 11, 2014
@Abdullahi_SAB keep being the most amazing volunteer and strong young black man I know!
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
@LBB2002 thank you so much Lisa. Humbled by your support and solidarity.
— Munira for Ward 2 (@MuniraAbukar) October 11, 2014
Seeing @MuniraAbukar take ownership of defacing of her #voteTO sign confirms how much a #TOCouncil lor she already is
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 11, 2014
You can order a Morgan Baskin sign at Iron Man did, you can too. #TOpoli #ironmanpoli
— Morgan Baskin (@MorganBaskinTO) October 11, 2014
Dory Chalhoub plops up 20 signs. Posting signs doesn't win elections – being involved in the community does. #ysw
— Jules-José Kerlinger (@JJKerlinger) October 13, 2014
@JJKerlinger got it right…"Posting signs doesn't win elections – being involved in the community does." #ysw #ward11 #votenunziata
— Frances Nunziata (@VoteNunziata) October 13, 2014
Thanks Sammi for calling for my sign . nicely done. #topoli #toronto #annex #ward20
— Tonny Louie (@Tonny_Louie) October 14, 2014
@Tonny_Louie Wonderful Capture from your #Ward20 Canvass…
Your photograph now anchors The Signs Page :
| #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 22, 2014