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HiMY SYeD Oct27 Acorn Street Sign
HiMY SYeD | Acorn Street Sign

10 ½ x 6 ¼ inches | 27 cm x 16 cm


10 ½ x 8 inches | 27 cm x 20 ¼ cm

… If this thing was going to be determined by the number of signs … next Ward 19 councilor would be named ReMax

“Pantalone hasn’t even found it necessary to fight his fellow candidates — therefore, throughout his half of Trinity-Spadina, it’s hard to even tell there’s an election campaign going on.

“If this thing was going to be determined by the number of signs,” smirks Syed, “then the next Ward 19 councilor would be named ReMax.”

marc weisblottMarc Weisblott | Blogger
The Globe and Mail (11/10/2006)

… He has PDF files you can download if you want to make your own flyers to advertise for him

“The night ended with Shima and I meeting the infamous Himy Syed. He makes some very cool outdoor art projects. It’s strange meeting someone that you met online through your weblog…

“… Himy Syed is putting all his energy into running for deputy mayor, and councilor for Ward 19. And does the man have some energy.

“Shima and I chatted with him for a good while; he told us about all the things he wants to do in the city. He’s a very creative and unconventional politician to be. I’m really hoping he wins the ward. It’d be nice to have some different voices in office. (If you live in Ward 19, vote for him. I’m not kidding.)

“It’s interesting to see how contenders find ways to challenge the incumbents. Himy has no where near the funds of the incumbant Joe Pantalone. He argues there isn’t much point trying to campaign the same way as Pantalone, because its a game he can’t win.

“Instead Himy’s campaign has been very grass roots. He goes to events like this, meets people, and encourages them to talk about him.

“His website is slowly being filled to the brim with information. He has PDF files you can download if you want to make your own flyers to advertise for him. (You print them out at 8 by 10, and they can be arranged in various ways to make bigger posters.)

“His buttons are all made out of older buttons. (I think Shima’s friend Tiff would love how he is so mindful of waste and the environment.)

“It will be interesting to see if this approach works; I think it could in a ward like Ward 19. It certainly will be a tough race, as I understand Pantalone is well liked.

Ramanan SivaranjanRamanan Sivaranjan | Blogger
A Funkaoshi Production (10/20/2006)

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