Totally unfair!! .@HiMYSYeD waited for most of the debate and John Tory just ended it without even giving him a chance to speak. #voteTO
— Rathika Sitsabaiesan (@RathikaS) September 15, 2010
… Himy Syed, also a candidate for mayor, sat patiently beside the others but wasn’t invited to speak – possibly proving even a debate on fairness can’t be fair to all.
“We are a city that has been built upon institutional or institutionalized racism,” Syed said afterward.
“People within this city have realized they can create their own institutions,” and the city must do business with them and hire from among them, he said.
“This year’s mayoral debates … look like Toronto of the past, Syed added.
“It is the council debates (in the wards) that are more reflective of the city we are becoming.”
Mike Adler | Staff Reporter
Toronto Community News (09/15/2010)

#TOVotes #voteTO: On condition it’s understood John Tory is not endorsing me, we snap this.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) September 15, 2010
RT @goldsbie John Tory, making a not-too-subtle plea to be rescued: // [H]elp. #TOpoli #TOcouncil
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) September 12, 2011
RT @newstalk1010 Live Drive with John Tory today 5 pm: John interviews Mayor Rob Ford who celebrates his.. // #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 25, 2011
At @MayorsCricket: John Tory, Doug Ford, Andy Byford. #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) April 18, 2012
“… so I fought off the zombie with a cricket bat.” #ThingsAndyDid RT @HiMYSYeD @MayorsCricket: John Tory, Doug Ford, Andy Byford. #TOpoli
— Alek (@alekt) April 18, 2012
"Et Tu Kouvalis?" #RobFord's 2010 Mercenary Gravy Brain seeking 2014 #voteTO employment with John Tory. #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 12, 2014
RT @siomo UPDATE-LISTEN: Newstalk 1010 EXCLUSIVE interview w #JohnTory on his run for mayor #TOPoli // #voteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
RT @hellokaitlin So, there goes #JohnTory taking wind out of #KarenStintz's sails. If TTC or the mayoral race had sails, that is. // #voteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
The #JohnTory For Mayor of #Toronto Campaign Launch Video: | #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
Battle of Buttons Begins! Justin's "#JohnTory for Mayor" vs @cllrainslie's "Make Soknacki Mayor" #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
#JohnTory has signed his Nomination Papers as Candidate of Mayor of #Toronto 2014. #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
He's in. Mayoral Candidate #JohnTory. #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
3 min #JohnTory scrum in 140: Subways Subways Subways… No not #Scarborough, The 'Other' Subway! #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
8:30 a.m.: John Tory (@JohnToryTO) becomes Mayoral Candidate & Holds First Media Scrum: | #voteTO #TOpoli #kouvalis
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
RT @mattgurney Put my military history MA to work+compared Tory's campaign to WW1 battleplan aimed at Stintz. #voteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
Toronto Mayor #RobFord re: #JohnTory, #KarenStintz, expected #OliviaChow, entering Mayor's Race: | #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2014
Somewhere in this Standing Room Only #Ward27 City Builders Awards is Mayoral Candidate @johntoryTO #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 7, 2014
#TTC CEO Andy Byford remains apolitical re: #voteTO Mayoral Candidate @JohnToryTO‘s Transit Relief idea. #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 28, 2014
Former 2010 Mayoral Candidate @HiMYSYeD w Current 2014 #voteTO Mayoral Candidate @JohnToryTO; @TPLFortYork Opening
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 29, 2014
RT @MayorsCricket: @HiMYSYeD #TOpoli cricket w @DavidSoknacki @johntoryTO @KarenStintz @oliviachow @ThomsonTO #voteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) June 20, 2014
#voteTO Mayorals: @AriGoldkind @DavidSoknacki @ThomsonTO @JohnToryTO @OliviaChow @KarenStintz in @MayorsCricket
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) June 22, 2014
Mayoral Candidate @JohnToryTO shows up to rebut #RobFord with one word, “Resign”. #voteTO #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 2, 2014
A man called Tory what we were all thinking and @HiMYSYeD caught it on video: #topoli
— Adam C-F (@AdamCF) July 2, 2014
Smart Track is to Nick Kouvalis’ 2014 #JohnTory Mayoral Candidacy, what Sheppard Subway was to Kouvalis’ 2010 #RobFord Campaign. | #voteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) September 4, 2014
RT @salsa111 John Tory running to restore political legacy. #DougFord to restore family legacy. Who’s running for Toronto? #TOpoli | I am.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) September 12, 2014
@johntoryTO not showing up to the @ttcriders debate proves what I expected: He's already bored of the job he doesn't even have yet. #TOpoli
— Colin Why (@colinwhy) September 15, 2014
Exactly: @johntoryTO : "I've had the privilege…"
— Mark City (馬克城) (@marxidad) September 17, 2014
I still can't believe Tory's campaign team hasn't prepped him. Was woefully unprepared on #LGBT funding/groups too #topoli
— Dan Speerin (@danspeerin) September 24, 2014
@sol_chrom With a month left, people start paying attention – the narrative of "out of touch" is already with Tory – those gaffes don't help
— Dan Speerin (@danspeerin) September 24, 2014
John Tory Campaign so far: Kouvalis who doesn't know Capital vs Operating budgets, Campaign Chair who doesn't know E-Day voting hrs. #TOPoli
— Claire McWatt (@ClaireMcWatt) September 24, 2014
In a scrum, John Tory was asked if he believes white privilege exists. "No I don't know that it does," he said.
— Ben Spurr (@BenSpurr) October 11, 2014
@BenSpurr we have you in a shot kinda laughing when I asked that question.
— Peter Kim (@PeterKimGlobal) October 11, 2014
@nyounglai yes. Relevant given the context and content of the debate.
— Peter Kim (@PeterKimGlobal) October 11, 2014
@beausaunt @penkill @BenSpurr @DesmondCole For the record. John Tory on White Privilege – Friday, Oct. 10, 2…:
— Marc Coward (@YYZMarc) October 11, 2014
Fellow Mayoral Candidate John Tory with Member of #FordNation outside #cityvote… | #TOpoli #VoteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 24, 2014
@HiMYSYeD Like rats from a sinking ship?
— Kev Carney (@Karmaclay) October 24, 2014
@HiMYSYeD Agree/disagree with that voter's stance, but more people should be as politically engaged as he is. #CityVote #TOPoli
— Mike Shumka (@Shumkoolie) October 24, 2014
@HiMYSYeD So I guess this does prove a selfie does not equal a vote…unless under that t-shit is a Tory Tat. #TOpoli
— PhilosopherofWrite (@PhilofWrite) October 24, 2014
@HiMYSYeD @Karmaclay First Singing Jimmy and now this? #DFMG
— thinker (@oldscotcan) October 24, 2014
@oldscotcan @HiMYSYeD nobody likes drowning.
— Kev Carney (@Karmaclay) October 24, 2014
@HiMYSYeD @itsgottobegood Nice pimp cane.
— Michael Bouck (@VainHostile) October 24, 2014
Thank you for your replies.
They've been added here
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 24, 2014