If we can't break ground a new Subway, at least we can break bread on 'Subways'. http://t.co/3doC5F82
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 22, 2012
@towhey Having a Youth City Council (minus the need to sing) with a 'Youth Mayor' was included in #Vision2020. #TOcouncil
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) April 27, 2011
@towhey Apparently, 'Blue' skies above TDot suggest I owe you a Double Double. — http://twitpic.com/4zdcob
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 18, 2011
RT @larrylarry Who is @towhey+why do I feel he should be thrown into transportation planning 101?// He's @TOMayorFord's 'Karl Rove'. #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 8, 2011
@towhey I understand. Tactically, installing Byford right now is a pre-emptive move to screw up a mayor Adam Vaughan candidacy. Well played.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 21, 2012
Toronto Mayor @TOMayorFord having a word with advisor @towhey… #TOCouncil #TOpoli http://t.co/jh1jfmDD
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 6, 2012
RT @towhey: @HiMYSYeD Ahh… You always get my good side! :). // Biensur, that would be your 'right' side… http://t.co/jh1jfmDD
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 6, 2012
Mayor and #TOcouncil lor Ford with @towhey looking at future dates in Calendar book… #topoli http://t.co/mnNaVomV
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 22, 2012
@himysyed Everywhere! #toronto #tocouncil #topoli pic.twitter.com/z7guuXkz
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) March 22, 2012
Many #Bixi docks remained full all afternoon,ones that I saw. First rider I've seen in #floodto #TTC http://t.co/I9xIviUA
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) June 2, 2012
@HiMYSYeD @TOMayorFord and I saw a brave soul with a #Bluejays hat on a #Bixi at Union Station this afternoon. Maybe going to game?
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) June 2, 2012
@towhey Well… it IS Bike Month and it still being June, the Jays still have a shot at the Series! Like the USPS, neither rain, nor sleet..
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) June 2, 2012
RT @towhey With @TOMayorFord #EatonCentreShooting Our thoughts+prayers go out to families of victims.#TOCouncil #TOpoli http://t.co/8h72VVjA
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) June 3, 2012
RT @GSawision @HiMYSYeD @towhey @TOMayorFord this must bring back some interesting memories for you, Himy (creba) // http://t.co/SWe3kr3S
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) June 3, 2012
Flickr Photo Set: Final Night of installing #FreshEyes Art Installation on #TOcouncil lors' office windows. #TOpoli — http://t.co/nMIRxwP8
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 5, 2012
@towhey As Eyes are Windows to the Soul… May these #FreshEyes be Windows of Civic Engagement; reviving the Civic Soul of our City, Toronto
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 5, 2012
T-Shirt in #TOcouncil Chamber: 'Say NO to Casino Support The Great N.D.P. Team' #topoli http://t.co/Wgt0DfcC
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) October 10, 2012
@HiMYSYeD Not surprised. Research shows ppl w higher salaries are less likely to support NDP; casino resorts = 1,000s of hi paying jobs.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) October 11, 2012
@HiMYSYeD I believe those are called iPads. 🙂
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) March 10, 2013
I agree w @TOMayorFord. MORE Women must run in #voteTO 2014.Yet as mayor why not gender balance #TOCouncil Executive Committee Immediately?
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 10, 2013
@HiMYSYeD 1/3 of #TOCouncil are women. Exec Cte, TTC, Spkr, Aff Housing, Comm Councils = 20 Sr. Posts, of which 35% are women.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) March 10, 2013
@towhey Is Current #TOCouncil Executive Committee 35% Women ?
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 10, 2013
. @towhey @himysyed That's great, Towhey, but women aren't 35% of the population.
— Emma M. (@MaryTylerMog) March 10, 2013
@Bluestockings31 Hence, the mayor saying he'd like to see more women in elected office.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) March 10, 2013
@towhey @bluestockings31 I agree. There are a few electoral reforms that would encourage more diversity. Let's work together on that. : )
— dave meslin (@meslin) March 10, 2013
@MiroslavGlavic IF criteria = Skills/Abilities, ENTIRE Executive Cmte wld be Current Women #TOcouncil lors. @meslin @towhey @bluestockings31
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 12, 2013
@MiroslavGlavic you saying current Exec doesn't have skills/ability … ? // Yes. http://t.co/CeUxT9fN52 @meslin @towhey @bluestockings31
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 12, 2013
@MiroslavGlavic @himysyed @meslin @towhey That's not the argument. The argument is that there aren't enough women on the Exec. council.
— Emma M. (@MaryTylerMog) March 12, 2013
Oh, #TOCouncil lor Thomson speaking about people who work at YTZ who are supporting their families… on $12 / Hour: http://t.co/Cg1097sem3
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 7, 2013
@HiMYSYeD Not sure if that's true. However, I did the math & can confidently say $12/hr is pretty close to exactly $12 more than$0/hr
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) May 7, 2013
@towhey I can confidently say the average annual income of striking workers being $28,000 is not enough to support a FAMILY on in Toronto.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 7, 2013
RT @towhey Hmm… I think it's raining but the sun is blinding me so I can't be sure. #Toronto weather. // #dlws
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 12, 2013
Got to know Mark @Towhey campaigning against his candidate in 2010 Mayoral Election; we often disagreed; Mark always remained cordial to me.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 23, 2013
RT @towhey .@georgeTdot Christopolous & @IsaacRansom: 2 outstanding, honest & honorable professionals for whom I've enormous respect.#TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 27, 2013
RT @towhey Jobhunt Update: If .0001% of these have Mayors who need staff=60K jobs. I'm gold.“@csmonitor: 60Bn habitable planets in MilkyWay”
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 4, 2013
.@HiMYSYeD Just imagine how much more business #TOCouncil could do per meeting with 1/2 as many people speaking on each issue.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) July 19, 2013
.@HiMYSYeD 44-22 idea was shockingly popular during 2010 campaign. Fm Bay St. to Malvern, everywhere between, always got huge ovation.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) July 19, 2013
.@towhey And Detroit with its NINE Aldermen, technically CUT DOWN to SEVEN as cost saving measure, 11 days ago, is doing so well! #TOcouncil
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 19, 2013
RT @towhey Turns out, there is no #VMA for best broadcast audio engineering of a live video performance. // cc: #DamnYouAutoTune
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) August 26, 2013
@towhey Thank You.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) December 20, 2013
What should Santa bring #Toronto? Great show, great guests incl @SwanBoatSteve, @HiMYSYeD + more! Sunday 1-3pm @Newstalk1010! #TOPoli
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) December 20, 2013
Coming up next hour @newstalk1010 are @Michelle_Cupids, @thekeenanwire @HiMYSYeD and @MooreintheAM What do they want for #Toronto in 2014?
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) December 29, 2013
Next on @newstalk1010 is former mayoral candidate @HiMYSYeD. Find out what he wants for #Toronto in 2014. #TOPoli
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) December 29, 2013
@towhey @HiMYSYeD former till Thursday, one presumes
— marc weisblott (@scroll) December 29, 2013
… More thanks to all my guests today on @newstalk1010: @thekeenanwire, @HiMYSYeD, @MooreintheAM!
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) December 29, 2013
Good Job @Himysyed "@towhey: Next on @newstalk1010 is former mayoral candidate @HiMYSYeD. Find out what he wants 4 #Toronto in 2014 #TOPoli"
— Mark Grimes (@Mark_Grimes) December 29, 2013
RT @mark_grimes Good Job @HiMYSYeD "@towhey: Next…former mayoral candidate @HiMYSYeD..What he wants 4 #Toronto in 2014 #TOPoli" // #voteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 5, 2014
#TOcouncil lor GLL 2nds @PaulaFletcher30 motion for 2nd Q&A round of Staff/Agency 'cuz 300K were W/O Power… http://t.co/y0YADEeXc5
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 10, 2014
@HiMYSYeD Not to get too picky but today was first time that we learned that 1 million residents were without power at start of storm.
— Paula Fletcher (@PaulaFletcher30) January 10, 2014
RT @PaulaFletcher30: @HiMYSYeD … today was first time we learned 1 million residents were without power at start of #icestorm2013. #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 10, 2014
@HiMYSYeD @PaulaFletcher30 Fm Day1, Hydro est. it was 2.5 people/"customer." So, fm Day1, I understood 300K+ cust = 750K+ ppl affected.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) January 10, 2014
@towhey @HiMYSYeD Report to Council just said 1 million.
— Paula Fletcher (@PaulaFletcher30) January 10, 2014
@towhey within Anthony Haines' #icestorm2013 presentation to #TOcouncil was a slide showing "1 Million" figure. #TOpoli cc: @PaulaFletcher30
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 10, 2014
@HiMYSYeD @PaulaFletcher30 Well, I took "old math" in school, but back then $1MM was consistent w "more than 750K" 🙂 So, no surprise here.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) January 10, 2014
@towhey Are you enjoying your apples and oranges?
— Paula Fletcher (@PaulaFletcher30) January 10, 2014
@PaulaFletcher30 (A) Not sure what you're asking. Media widely reported 750K+ (some: 800K) w/o power. That's close to 1MM. No surprise.. 1/2
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) January 10, 2014
@PaulaFletcher30 … 2/2 and (B) You've met me: do I look like a guy who enjoys a lot of fruit? 🙂 #StillAtMyWinterWeight
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) January 10, 2014
@towhey @PaulaFletcher30 You look like a guy who enjoys decimating public service affecting 1M people to save $10 on property tax #TOpoli
— BC (@bconnolly00) January 10, 2014
@towhey @PaulaFletcher30 Rob Ford cut public service budget, reduced service & didn't prune trees. Now wants Prov to pay? #onpoli #TOpoli
— BC (@bconnolly00) January 10, 2014
@bconnolly00 @towhey @PaulaFletcher30 BC, I`ll bet what you just tweeted to MT makes sense to him. He doesn`t understand what the prob is.
— Susan DeSante (@DeSanSus) January 10, 2014
@towhey I think that there is a big difference between 800,000 people and 1,000,000 people. Like 200,000?
— Paula Fletcher (@PaulaFletcher30) January 10, 2014
@PaulaFletcher30 I sent your question to my research team who confirm the difference between 800,000 & 1,000,000 is, in fact, 200,000. Yes.
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) January 10, 2014
@bconnolly00 @chuddles11 this is why i don't understand the conservative perspective. Cut taxes, raise them elsewhere. #topoli #onpoli
— GenerationWHY (@Generation__WHY) January 10, 2014
David Soknacki wants to be #Toronto's next mayor. What wd you ask him? Tell me. @Soknacki2014 joins me 1-3pm today @newstalk1010 #topoli
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) January 12, 2014
@towhey @Soknacki2014 @newstalk1010 He's at bottom of pack not enuf name recog to win so "why bother?" is the Q. Whats the back story?
— Michael Guy (@garrattguy) January 12, 2014
@garrattguy Mayors who also started their 1st campaign 'at the bottom of the pack': Ford, Miller, Nenshi, De Blasio… etc. cc: @towhey
— Brian F. Kelcey (@stateofthecity) January 12, 2014
@stateofthecity You cite Mayoral Candidates running in races without an incumbent, hence open races with FPTP winning. @garrattguy @towhey
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 12, 2014
@stateofthecity Election Night Math "can" change against First Term Mayoral incumbents in Instant Runoff Voting format. @garrattguy @towhey
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 12, 2014
@towhey Q. For The Candidate: Is his Current Campaign Manager, Brian (@stateofthecity), anything like Josh Lyman from The West Wing TV Show?
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 12, 2014
RT @towhey Thanks to David Soknacki (@Soknacki2014) for joining me in studio @Newstalk1010 #TOpoli #VoteTO // pic.twitter.com/VEAfItNEZF
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 12, 2014
@HiMYSYeD @towhey @Soknacki2014 @newstalk1010 Full respect for him standing-up for better governance. #topoli
— Patrick Smyth (@MisterSafetytoe) January 12, 2014
RT @MisterSafetytoe: @towhey @newstalk1010 Full respect for @Soknacki2014 standing-up for better governance. #topoli // Yes We Can? #VoteTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) January 12, 2014
@towhey Doesd not being host city for @TO2015 already answer your question Mark? @newstalk1010
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 23, 2014
RT @towhey #Canada lost 158 soldiers, 1 diplomat, 1 journo, 2 civilian contractors in #Afghanistan. Worth it? Sunday 2-3 p.m.: @Newstalk1010
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 15, 2014
RT @towhey ‘Not that the Ford’s are strategically brilliant…their opponents are just plain dumb.’ http://t.co/TeZ7Je9lSl #voteTO #FordFest
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 22, 2014
… Arguing about Ford Fest is just dumb
“Is Ford Fest a bona fide Ford family tradition? Yes. Do the Ford’s hold Ford Fest in years when there’s no election? Yes. Will Rob Ford be campaigning at Ford Fest? Yes. So will every other politician who attends, and a number will.
“Will Rob Ford, John Tory, Olivia Chow, David Soknacki and Karen Stintz be campaigning at every public event held between now and election day? Yes. That’s what they do. They’re political candidates.
“The truth is, politicians are always campaigning. If they’re not campaigning, they’re losing.
“…Of course, the more attention Ford Fest gets in the media, the more people are talking about Rob Ford. And, the more they’re talking about Rob Ford, the less they’re talking about anyone else. Once again, advantage: Ford.
“…It’s not that the Fords are strategically brilliant. It’s just that their opponents are just plain dumb.”
Mark Towhey | Former Chief of Staff
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s Office (07/21/2014)
Welcome @HiMYSYeD to the #voteTO mayoral race – a man of many fascinating ideas. #TOpoli #Toronto
— Mark Towhey (@towhey) August 3, 2014
@towhey Mark, thank you for the Welcome… Coming from the original Senior Advisor and Former Chief of Staff to Mayor Rob Ford, means a Lot.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) August 5, 2014