… If you want to destroy civilization, you burn the libraries
“Doug Ford, the blunt-talking Toronto councillor and brother to the mayor, is ratcheting up the cost-cutting rhetoric at city hall, vowing to support library closings…
“Mr. Ford, a rookie councillor who has quickly gained a reputation for headline-grabbing statements, said Tuesday he would close a library in his ward “in a heartbeat,” characterizing a growing movement to save branches backed by Margaret Atwood as an “over-reaction,” led by “library groups.”
“Good luck to Margaret Atwood. I don’t even know her. She could walk right by me, I wouldn’t have a clue who she is,” said Mr. Ford
“She’s not down here. She’s not dealing with the problem,” he went on to say. “Tell her to go run in the next election and get democratically elected.”
“Mr. Ford figures there are five or six library branches within a two-mile area near his ward, which includes what he described as a little-used location in an industrial area.
“Asked if he would vote to close that branch he said, “Absolutely I would. In a heartbeat.
“And my constituents, it wouldn’t bother them because they have another library two miles one way and two miles the other way.”
“Ms. Atwood has devoted several tweets to the Etobicoke councillor, who got into hot water earlier this month by suggesting there are more libraries than Tim Hortons in his ward – a statement which proved to be an exaggeration.
“At Tuesday’s meeting, the library board voted to defer consideration of KPMG’s report…
“Library supporters applauded two members of the public who made presentations.
“I do not want the official Toronto city library bookmobile to become a Tim Hortons truck,” said Himy Syed, who argued Toronto needs many libraries to serve its diverse, multilingual population.
“If you want to destroy civilization, you burn the libraries.”
Elizabeth Church | Toronto City Hall bureau chief
The Globe and Mail (07/26/2011)
Gotta love @HiMYSYeD 's comment at the end of this article on — not yet — closing Toronto libraries. http://bit.ly/qtXoyL
— Adam Rawlings (@ADHR) July 27, 2011
… want to know what a privatized library looks like — it’s called a bookstore
“Earlier this month, Councillor Doug Ford targeted libraries, saying his neighbourhood has more of them than doughnut shops.
“I do not want the Bookmobile to be a Tim Horton’s truck,” deputant Himy Syed said at the meeting.
“The reason we have 99 libraries is because we have the most diverse population of any city in the world. If you want to know what a privatized library looks like — it’s called a bookstore.”
Jenny Yuen | Reporter
The Toronto Sun (07/26/2011)

If you… love/hate Libraries… #TOcouncil … http://VoteTO.ca — http://twitpic.com/43bs2g
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) February 24, 2011
RT @femwriter: "…in a digital era, #libraries are needed more than ever. " http://bit.ly/ldLsFB
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 19, 2011
RT @laurie_mcgregor #Toronto's #libraries under threat of privatization. Tell #TOcouncil to keep them public now. http://OurPublicLibrary.TO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 15, 2011
Q. What do you call a Library that has been outsourced? A. Bookstore. #TOpoli Is there a future in 'Privatized Libraries'? A. Borders Books!
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 19, 2011
RT @goldsbie Doug Ford complains #Toronto has too many #libraries: http://bit.ly/ne4PF3 /// Toronto complains #TOcouncil has too many Fords.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 19, 2011
RT @villaraigosa Announcing the opening of 73 #libraries on Monday as well as new service hrs! http://twitpic.com/5s6mgk #cities #libraryTO
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 27, 2011
200+ march back to Cowan+Queen, 'Whose Libraries?! Our Libraries!!' #tocouncil #libraryTO http://twitpic.com/5xd9gr
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 28, 2011
Thank God the Libraries downtown are open 24/7. Private Sector rocks…I mean bits… #TOcouncil
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 29, 2011
Deputant 220 Adelaida Baxley, breaks down crying, 'Libraries…are what made me who I am…is this city worth saving?' #TOcouncil #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) July 29, 2011
RT @JohnStephLawson Ford didn't close down any Libraries. Fear mongering by social elites #topoli // Urban Affairs #Library. Just closed.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) September 17, 2011
Labyrinths—libraries—What would Borges do?—labyrinths in support of TPL—@HiMYSYeD? The ideas that come to me at 4 am…
— evil ᴰark (@neville_park) November 9, 2011
'Libraries Work Because We Do' in front of Toronto City Hall this Noon Hour. #LibraryTO #TOpoli http://t.co/RV0HpR5B
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 19, 2012
RT @femwriter Full report about @TorontoLibrary stats for 2011 & comparisons to #libraries around the world http://t.co/S7N8h7Ir // #cities
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) April 26, 2012
RT @TorontoWiki Took a while, but ALL #Toronto Public #Libraries ( http://t.co/EQzNNa6bxO ) are now mapped! http://t.co/h7yzlCNpMs
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) September 2, 2013
Deputant, vice-chair of Toronto Library Board, cites this article: http://t.co/gENfEl5KDY in presentation to Budget Committee. #topoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) December 2, 2013
Who Says #Libraries Are Going Extinct? http://t.co/3L0g5OpoRM
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 3, 2014
Campus Map of Belen "Library Park" in #Medellín. #Libraries #cities #WorldWaterDay — http://t.co/uyecirg5Ea
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 22, 2014
Near impossible to express how the 20 new Libraries have transformed "Opportunity" in daily lives of #Medellín's people. Muy Muy Importante!
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) March 26, 2014
RT @htamTO These Park #Libraries are amazing- intentionally built in violent neighbourhoods to curb the violence. That's #UrbanEquity! #WUF7
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) April 10, 2014
Paula: In #Medellin, Poor People as well as Rich have access to Open Space, Libraries… This Empowers all Strata. #WUF7 #TOpoli
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) April 10, 2014